Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of UkraineTransport Academy of UkrainePJSC "Ukrainian Railway" with participation of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of UkraineConservatoire national des arts et métiersTechnological and Humanitarian University named after. Casimir Pulasky in Radom are pleased to invite you to the twentieth Scientific and Practical International Conference “International Transport Infrastructure, Industrial Centers and Corporate Logistics”, which will be held on June 6-7, 2024.

The program of the conference:

- opening, plenary session (Remote)
- sections:

   "Development of industrial centers in the conditions of globalization" (Remote).
   "International and national transport infrastructure" (Remote).
   "Logistics technologies at transport and industry enterprises" (Remote).
   "Transport management and marketing" (Remote).
   "Information technology, artificial intelligenc" (Remote).
    "Management of socio-economic systems in the conditions of neo-industrialization and globalization (man, technology, economics)" (Remote).


06 Jine 2024  
11.00÷13.00 - opening, plenary meeting
14.00÷17.00 - section work
07 Jine 2024 10.00÷14.00 - section work
14.00 - departure of the participants


Anna Tolstova   PhD (Econ.), Associate Prof., Associate Professor of Еconomics and Management of Industrial and Commercial Business Department, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Kharkiv).
Ganna Shapoval PhD (Tech.), Associate Prof., Associate Professor of St Department of Railroad stations and junctions, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Kharkiv).
Anna Primauchenko PhD (Tech.), Art. lecturer of Department of Transport Systems and Logistics, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (Kharkiv).


Invitation letter

Conference programs