Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, Transport Academy of Ukraine, PJSC "Ukrainian Railway" with participation of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, Technological and Humanitarian University named after. Casimir Pulasky in Radom are pleased to invite you to the twentieth Scientific and Practical International Conference


June 6−7, 2024
Kharkiv, Ukraine

The aim of the Conference is to inform scientific and technical public about present state and future trends, results of theoretical and experimental investigations and about practical activities in the field of:

  • «Development of industrial centers in the conditions of globalization».
  • «International and national transport infrastructure».
  • «Logistics technologies at transport and industry enterprises».
  • «Transport management and marketing».
  • «Information technology, artificial intelligence».
  • «Management of socio-economic systems in the conditions of neo-industrialization and globalization (man, technology, economics)».

Working languages ​​of the conference: Ukrainian, English.

The format of the conference is remote (ZOOM platform).

All accepted papers would be printed in the Conference proceedings. The participants could prepare manuscripts to be printed in "The bulletin of transport and industry economics" (indexed in Google Scholar and in Index Copernicus). 

Conference proceedings will be published in SHS Web of Conferences journal. It is an open access publication series dedicated to archiving conference proceedings, which indexed in CNKI, Web of Science, DOAJ, EBSCO.

Only papers corresponding to the mentioned requirements will be published.


Invitation letter
Conference Statistics
Conference Abstracts